Sonntag, 17. April 2011

Comitê de Boicote aos Capacetes Bell e Giro

Fiqui surperso ao receber há pouco no twiter uma mensgem sobre um comitê de boycote aos capacetes bell e Giro.
Os motivos para o boicote seriam um lobby milonario da Bell nos UsA e uma campanha de terror que adfastaria as pessoas da biciclete por medo de acidentes.
A página inical que acessei não mostra as provas do suposto lobby ,nem cita quem financiaria o comitê (os mais desconfiados podem perguntar se não é a concorrência). Curioso é também que um lobby beneficiaria não só a Bell, como também a concorrência. Se houvesse de fato um Lobby não seria no sentido de especificações mais rígidas para os capacetes, retirando os cocorrentes do mercado?
Há muitas discussões sobre o uso obrigatório de capacete, porém nunca vi alguém que fosse contra o capacete ou muito menos um boicote a uma única fábrica.
Polêmicas à parte não tenho a menor dúvida de que O Capacete já salvou minha vida, no mínimo uma vez, além de ter evitado ferimentos sérios na minha cabeça por diversas vezes, portanto devemos usar sempre um capacete. Não há motivo para não usar capacete.

Abaixo cópia do email que acbei de invear agora para o comitê.


Dear Fellas

I live in the city of Porto Alegre, in the souh of Brazil, near to Uruguay, were, recentely a crazy man, named Ricardo Neis hitted a group of 150 cyclists with his car! He was arrested, but now he's free again.

I'm sad after read your your weblink

This year, in Feb, 18 i hitted a car in a speed of 15mph. My head bumped like a ball from the back to the front of the car three times and once again in the pavement. I was wearing a Bell Helmet, wich had another crash. In the first crash i was surprised that the helmet didn't broked. I'm senior in cycling groups and have seen helmets break for much less.

I'm engineer and Criminal Expert. I could see some broked heads in my job. I mean my head could be broked with no helmet, maybe it would be broked with another helmet. Now i'm going to buy another Bell.

I have a seven years old daughter. She wear a Giro.

We wear our helmets in every ride, in the way that it is in the Bell's folder.

In my country the cyclist have to wear a helmet.

In my point of view "the wishes of a majority of cyclists" don't avoid the broked heads or brain inhury. I also don't agree that the ad shows "Inaccurate claims and fear mongering". The information in the ad seems very clear and precise for me, pointing the risks of cycling.

All my expieriences, like cyclist, likce expert, show that there is no reason for don't wear a helmet. We have the same freedom as with no helmet, we can feel the wind, fell the velocity, and the helmemt visor protect us from the sun.

Some of my expieriences show that a helmet must fit properly and have a goog quality for comfort and protection.Bell and Giro Helmets are in complaint with this conditions.

In my home city tere are some discussions about to wear or not a helmet and i'm afraid about the results, because i'm that we must to wear allways a helmet.

I'm worried about your campaing, because you are agaisnt the "better brand(s)" of helmets. Don't you remember that legendary fall at the "Tour the France"? And about Marco Pantani?

We have just one head and one brain, so we have to wear allways a helmet and, of course the use of a helmet don't exclude other safety equipmets or proceedings.


Ruvan bike

Facebook: ruvanbike

Orkut: ruvanbike

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Obrigado por tornar a internet mais segura...

2 Kommentare:

  1. There is no reason not to wear a helmet...It`s a matter of accident prevention...

  2. Tradução: Não há fazão para no usar um capacete. É questão de prevenção.
